Case Studies
Case Study #1
C-Suite Level Development
After 13 years as a senior leader in a private investment group, Lisa’s client was identified as a potential candidate to replace a retiring Chief Investment Officer. His predecessor held the position for 40 years. The Board of Directors was concerned that although the client had the technical acumen, he did not possess sufficient maturity and experience to work directly with the most challenging clients, nor the presence to lead the team. Lisa offered an EQ Assessment and conducted stakeholder interviews. The results provided Lisa’s client an honest and diverse perspective of his learning edges. In short, they designed experiments for him to improve his communications, integrate feedback, and loosen the grip of his inclination to micro-manage. Together, they prepared for his interviews, and he was selected to assume the role.
Case Study #2
Culture Development
Lisa’s client was a founder of a technology start-up. The entire organization was remote with international staffing. The client previously worked at a Fortune Five company and anticipated ‘retrofitting’ their successful strategies for his organization development. Yet, weak engagement, connection, and collaboration between his multicultural leadership team stymied and created obstacles for product development and delayed release dates. In addition, the acquisition of an established company added complexity to the fragile evolving culture. Lisa worked with the client to design ‘reverse engineered’ experiments clarifying the highest priorities and identifying the complex cultural disconnects. Outcomes from their work together included identifying the conditions for personal and organizational change. The client ‘unlearned’ his relentless pursuit for perfection. He encouraged learning from both success and failure. This gleaning has become a core value of the company culture.
Case Study #3
Leadership for Complexity & Uncertainty
An accounting executive was hired to lead a struggling team in the midst of an unsuccessful and delayed software implementation. The software impacted investment advisors, a tax department, treasury, and a team of trust officers. Her inclination was to stay the course, and align with the software provider, despite anticipated further delays. Lisa worked with this client to shift her decision-making style to better match the needs of her team and the situation. The client adapted from hierarchical delegation and began directly engaging her team to generate ideas. Lisa supported the client to practice deeper listening, verifying what she was hearing, and encouraged direct communication with her direct reports and other department leadership. She loosened the grip of her inclination for a ‘command and control’ management approach. She learned to act against her instinct, accept complexity, and adapted her leadership style.